OECD Health working paper:
Tax alcohol for health
A recent working paper "The Role of Fiscal Policies in Health Promotion" concludes that the arguments in support of taxes being used to attain public health objectives are strong for tobacco products and alcoholic beverages.
World Bank report recommends evidence-based alcohol policies to reduce road traffic injuries in Africa
Controlling non-communicable diseases and road traffic injuries are key public health issues in Africa, concludes a new report from the World Bank. The report recommends population-based interventions to regulate availability and marketing of alcohol to reduce the number of injuries from road traffic.
Half the world’s adults do not drink alcohol – what should the policy implications be?
Non-drinkers make up nearly half the world’s adult population. A paper presented at the GAPC conference in Seoul suggests what the policy implications of this may be, in particular for developing countries which have remarkable high segments of non-drinkers in their populations.
160 Swedish CSOs recognize alcohol as a hindrance to development
The Swedish NGO umbrella organisation “Forum Syd” has adopted a policy document which points at alcohol as a hindrance to development and a factor which can obstruct work for rights and poverty reduction. 160 NGOs are members of Forum Syd
Dr. Chan will protect alcohol policy from industry
WHO Director General, Dr. Margaret Chan, will protect alcohol policy making from commercial or vested interests of the alcohol industry. She welcomes an initiative by researchers and civil society organizations that keep careful watch over the behaviour of the alcohol industry.
Global public health community issues warning over alcohol industry conflict of interest
More than 500 public health professionals, health scientists and NGO representatives from 60 countries have signed a joint Statement of Concern about the activities of the global alcohol producers.
Training program on evidence-based alcohol policies in developing countries
Blue Cross and FORUT have developed a training program on evidence-based alcohol policies. Training sessions have so far been held in seven countries in Africa.
WHO Western Pacific Region relases guide:
Developing effective alcohol legislation
Many governments realize the need for effective legislation to reduce the harm from alcohol use. This is also reccommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) Global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol. But how to do it? WHO Western Pacific Regional Office has offered a guide.
Updated with Dr. M. Chan's closing remarks:
A Global Alcohol Strategy adopted by the World Health Assembly
The World Health Assembly passed on the 20th of May a resolution endorsing a Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol. It was a very interesting discussion in the Assembly where some 35 member states spoke - all in favour of the strategy. Three NGOs/civil society alliances also made statements supporting the resolution.
Diyanath Samarasinghe:
REDUCING ALCOHOL HARM: things we can do
Three papers by professor Diyanath Samarasinghe explore various aspect of alcohol in a development setting. This booklet is for someone who is interested in learning how to make even his smallest action count.