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List of publications by FORUT and partners

The following publications are available from FORUT and its partners.

Baklien, Bergljot and Diyanath Samarasinghe: Alcohol and Poverty in Sri Lanka, FORUT/NIBR, Colombo, 2003

Bakke, Øystein: Alcohol: Health Risk and Development Issue, in Cholewka, P.A. and Motlagh, M.M: Health Capital and Sustainable Socioeconomic Development, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2008

Bøås, Morten and Anne Hatløy: Alcohol and Drug Consumption in Post War Sierra Leone – an Exploration, Fafo report 496, Fafo, Oslo 2005

Braathen, Stine Hellum: Substance Use and Abuse and its Implications in a Malawian Context – Pilot Project 1, SINTEF Health research, report SINTEF A6186, 2008

Braathen, Stine Hellum: Substance Use and Gender Based Violence in a Malawian Context – Pilot Project 2, SINTEF Health research, report SINTEF A6189, 2008

Dithal, Rupa et. al.: Alcohol and Drug Use in Nepal, With Reference to Children, Child Workers in Nepal Concerned Center (CWIN), Kathmandu, 2001

Dithal Rupa et. al.: Alcohol and Drug Use among Street Children in Nepal, A Study in Six Urban Centres, Child Workers in Nepal Concerned Center (CWIN), Kathmandu, 2002

Eide, Arne H., Ibou Diallo, Ibrahima Thioub and Lajla Blom: Drug use among secondary school students in Senegal, NIS Health Services Research, SINTEF Unimed, Oslo, 1999

Midthun, Ingvar: The Promise of Youth – Concerning the Alcohol Industry and the Targeting of Young People in Developing Countries, FORUT, Gjøvik, 2006

Rai, Abinash, Keshab Prashad Ghimire, Pooja Shresth and Sumnima Tuladhar: Glue Sniffing among Street Children in the Kathmandu Valley, Child Workers in Nepal Concerned Centre (CWIN), Kathmandu, 2002

Samarsinghe, Diyanath: Strategies to Address Alcohol Problems, FORUT, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka, 2005

Samarsinghe, Diyanath: Reducing Alcohol Harm: things we can do, FORUT, Oslo, 2009

Samarsinghe, Diyanath: Alcohol and Poverty: some connections, FORUT, Oslo, 2009

Samarsinghe, Diyanath: Unrecorded Alcohol, FORUT, Oslo, 2009

Tuladhar, Sumnima and Raju Maharjan and Abinash Rai: Anti-alcohol Campaign and its Impact on Children A Study in Rukum, Rolpa and Salyan Districts of Nepal, CWIN, Kathmandu, 2005

Tuladhar, Sumnima et al: Impact of Advertisements of Alcohol and Tobacco on Children - A Study in Five Major Cities of Nepal, CWIN, Kathmandu, 2005.



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