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Home > Publications > FORUT publications >  Alcohol and Drug Consumption in Post War Sierra Leone - an Exploration

Alcohol and Drug Consumption in Post War Sierra Leone - an Exploration

Drinking alcohol is not very common among the Sierra Leoneans. The polarised drinking habits exposed in ths stydy may easily lead us to think that the problem is larger than it actuall is in Sierra Leone. These are some of the conclusions of this first survey of the alcohol and drug situation in Sierra Leone after the war.

Øystein Bakke

This report is the result of an assignment from FORUT to Fafo Institute for Applied International Studies. It is part of the FORUT project Alcohol, Drugs and Development supported by Norad.

Drinking alcohol is not very common among the Sierra Leoneans; only ten percent of the adult population have been drinking during the last year. The polarised drinking habits exposed in ths stydy fit well with the general picture emerging from other studies of alcohol consumption in africa. Some people drink a lot and use a lot of drugs, and some of this consumption is quite open; this is particularly the case in Freetown. Such observations may easily lead us to think that the problem is larger than it actuall is in Sierra Leone.

You may download the report in pdf-format:
Morten Bøås and Anne Hatløy: Alcohol and Drug Consumption in Post War Sierra Leone – an Exploration, Fafo-report 496, Oslo, 2005

See the Fafo web-site for an html-version



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