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Home > News >  Sri Lankan youth mobilizing in support of new Alcohol Act

Sri Lankan youth mobilizing in support of new Alcohol Act

The new Sri Lankan youth organization, 4U, is now mobilizing young people in support of the new Tobacco and Alcohol Act. They have started a signature campaign to collect one million signatures for an effective implementation of the new regulations on sale and promotion of alcohol and tobacco. A rather unique action, which has not been seen in many countries before.


The new act, which was implemented from 1st of December, includes among other things a total ban on all adretising and sponsopship for tobacco and alcohol. It also introcdes an age limit of 21 years for buying these products. Sonn a National Authority will be appointed by the Minister of Helath with the task to suprevise the implementation of the new act and to intriduce new policies in the years to come.

The idea of the youth organization 4U was originally to collect one million signatures in favouyr of the adoption of the Alcohol and Tobacco Act. But as the law was adopted in Parliament sooner than expected, 4U changed their campaign plans. They are now collecting signatures to support an effective implementaion of the regulations in the new Act. 4U are also discussing information campaigns to introduce the regulations to shop owners etc.

These pictures are taken at a campaign in Negomboe, North of the Sri Lankan capital Colombo. 20-20 youth approached all travellers passing by the local bus station that day, asking for theit signature and support to the new alcohol legislation. The response was excellent!



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