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Report on efforts from alcohol companies to influence WHO alcohol action plan

Alcohol companies and their lobby groups are systematically working to undermine and water down global alcohol policies that would reduce the harms associated with their products, according to new report.

Disproving the myths of alcohol and cardiovascular health
Cover, WHF, policy brief

In a new policy brief, the World Heart Federation (WHF) is challenging the widespread notion that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol can decrease the risk of heart disease, and calling for urgent and decisive action to tackle the unprecedented rise in alcohol-related death and disability worldwide.

Revised edition: The seven key messages of the alcohol industry
Cover image, EUCAMs report on seven messages of the alcohol industry

11 years after the first edition European Centre for Monitoring Alcohol Marketing (EUCAM) has published a revised edition of its analysis of the key mesages of the alcohol industry.  

Alcohol availability - a key issue in gender-based violence
Cover page, SAAPA, SAMRC report, GBV and alcohol

Alcohol consumption is a key structural driver of gender-based violence (GBV) and especially intimate partner violence (IPV). A new report from four countries in sub-Sahara Africa explores how the availability of alcohol – both alcohol outlet density and trading times – are associated with increased alcohol use, and increased risk for GBV perpetration and vicitimisation.

The Role of Alcohol in Road Traffic injuries in Malawi
cover image on report, a truck heavily loaded with people, bicycles and equipment along a road in Malawi, Frica

The number of road traffic accidents has decreased in high-income countries the last ten years. The opposite is the trend for low- and middle-income countries. This report shows that there is a very clear connection between alcohol use and road traffic accidents in Malawi.

Monitoring the implementation of the UNGASS agreement
Cover image, shows man and woman facing each other and a hand writing on a white board

The report launched in April 2021 takes a closer look at what has happened in the form of national follow-up of the UNGASS Outcome Document in 15 selected countries. It also contains the recomenndations from Drug Policy Futures to the UN Member States.

New report highlights benefits of policy measures to prevent harmful alcohol consumption
OECD alcohol report front page

OECD recently released the report “Preventing harmful alcohol use”. It highlights that if governments invest in policies to reduce harmful alcohol consumption, they could save millions of lives. The economic benefits of putting them in place would also be much higher than the costs.

Highlighting the COVID-19 – alcohol connection
Alcohol and the coronavirus front page

A new report ‘Alcohol and the coronavirus pandemic: individual, societal and policy perspectives’ by a group of researchers was released recently. They investigate the links between alcohol use and COVID-19, both for individuals and society – from physiological effects on the immune system to alcohol venues’ role in ‘super-spreader’ events.

This is the Southern African Alcohol Policy Alliance

The Southern African Alcohol Policy Alliance (SAAPA) is a network of NGOs which advocate for evidence-based alcohol policies in countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Alliance now invites more NGOs to join.

The Southern Africa Alcohol Policy Alliance established in Johannesburg

A regional forum for NGOs in Southern Africa resulted in the formation of a Southern Africa Alcohol Policy Alliance representing seven countries. Savera Kalideen from Soul City in South Africa was elected the first chair of the Alliance.

Pictures from the Regional Forum
Below are some few pictures taken at the Regional Forum in Johannesburg, 6-8 November. Click the small pictures to download full size versions. Right click on the full size version and then "Save picture as".



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