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Liqour sachets banned in Zambia

The Government of Zambia has with immediate effect banned the manufacturing and sale of strong liquor sachets commonly known as tujilijili. This was announced by Minister Luo (picture)at a press briefing in Lusaka on Sunday 15 April, reports The Times of Zambia.

Dag Endal

The small plastic sachets, containing typically 30 ml of strong liquor, have become a serious health concern in a number of African countries the last years. They are sold at really low prices, often in unlicensed bars and often to minors. Local politicians, teachers and headmasters, youth leaders and religious leaders, have on many occasions expressed their concern over youth and even children drinking these strong liquor shots.

Several countries have also had discussions on how to deal with the problem. Zambia has now taken the lead in eradicating this problem by banning both the productions and sale of liquor sachets. In Zambia they a popularly known as tujilijili. The ban was announced on Sunday the 15th of April by Local Government and Housing Minister Nkandu Luo. Professor Luo (picture left) has for many years been active in alcohol research and alcohol policies in Zambia.

Minister Luo has since signed a Statutory Instrument on ‘Liquor Licensing (intoxicating liquor quantities and packaging) regulation 2012 on the banning of tujilijili.’ She also said that any license issued in respect of manufacture, import, 
export, sale or supply of intoxicating liquor prohibited under the regulation has been revoked.

See reports about this issue in The Times of Zambia and in ZtremeZambia.net



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