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FORUT changes implementation model in Sri Lanka

FORUT will change its implementation model in Sri Lanka following a decision taken by the board and management of FORUT International at a meeting held recently.

The board and management of FORUT International have decided that time has come for a change of FORUT’s engagement in Sri Lanka after a 30 years’ presence here. FORUT International will change its implementation model from being an international NGO with a local organisation, to working exclusively through local partner organisations. A transitional process will be initiated. The FORUT Sri Lanka organisation will be phased out in 2011, while most of the programmes will be continued by local NGOs in partnership with FORUT International.

Morten Lønstad
Morten Lønstad
- This has been a difficult decision, especially as FORUT’s “birthplace” actually was in Sri Lanka, says Mr Morten Lønstad, Secretary General of FORUT, but he emphasises that the readjustment is in accordance with the model of operation that FORUT uses in its other partner countries. This approach has yielded good results there, and FORUT International believes that making the transition also in Sri Lanka will lead to even better results for people in the partner communities. Local capacities will be developed further, local ownership will be improved, and the development work will become more sustainable.
FORUT has maintained its international presence in the country mainly due to conflict related relief operations. The war is now over, and relief operations are drawing to a close. The time has therefore come for changing to an implementation model based on partnerships with local NGOs, in line with the country´s transition back to a normal development context.
Over the years, FORUT has been instrumental in establishing and nurturing many local NGOs in all parts of the country. These have grown into independent and committed organisations, and are still going strong many years after FORUT ceased funding them. FORUT Sri Lanka will now enter into a process where former partner organisations, as well as a few other organisations, will be approached to discuss opportunities for direct partnership with FORUT International, and for continuing the existing programmes.

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