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Asia Pacific Alcohol Alliance formed

During an Alcohol Policy conference in Bangkok i August the Asia Pacific Alcohol Policy Alliance (APAPA) was launched.


The Asia Pacific Alcohol Policy Alliance is a network of NGOs committed to the development of effective alcohol policy in the Asia Pacific region. It aims to work with other organisations in reducing alcohol-related harm worldwide by promoting science-based policies independent of commercial interests.

APAPA is a kindred organisation th the Global Alcohol Policy Alliance (GAPA) IndianAlcohol Policy Alliance (IAPA) and Eurocare.

The objectives of APAPA are:
Provide a forum for alcohol policy advocates through meetings, information sharing, publications, and electronic communications; with the purpose to disseminate information regionally on effective alcohol policies and policy advocacy;
Bring to the attention of local communities, national governments, international governmental and non-governmental agencies and communities the social, economic, and health consequences of alcohol consumption and related harm; with the purpose to advocate for international and national governmental and non-governmental efforts to reduce alcohol related harm worldwide.

For further information visit APAPAonline.



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